Saturday, December 22, 2012

Elevate Your Mind

Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka-n-Heru Hassan Kamau Salim"Spiritual Warriors are Healers"

Elevate your mind - your spirit - fear is the problem that must be Healed!

Fear has been used to keep us disconnected and focused on lack.
Humanity continues to suffer from violence, brutality and pain.  Hurt people hurt people.

We are at an unprecedented time in human history. 

This is our choice - Nonviolence or nonexistence.
If we choose wisely our descendants will Bless us.
If we choose fear, our descendants will Curse us.

We are responsible for the next 7 generations.

All of us!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time For a Serious Shift

Children continue to be abused, murdered, maimed, poisoned, raped, tortured, enslaved, generation after generation after generation.

Technology improves humanity descends.

It is time for All Nations and International Economic Policies to be guided by the Divine responsibility of stewardship and guardianship of this planet for our children and our children’s children................

Yet we live as if it is only about the here and now.

WE are all responsible to the children yet to be born.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Moon in Capricorn - Waxing Crescent

{Moon} in {Capricorn}

Maybe you noticed. Things have gotten more serious with the Moon in Capricorn. No-nonsense suits around the office. Discussions about rules, disciplines, hard work and respect. Virtues that make employees squirm and bosses feel lonely. Structure-everybody hates it until something unruly occurs. Physics says a vast and wild emptiness dances between the molecules in a chair. But we don't fall in due to the structuring thought in wood, respecting our need for a solid place to sit. That's Capricorn in your life, structures that support. Its energy inspires your achievements and fears (funny how both can be motivating). Face a fear today. Be the authority in something. Devise a business plan. Recognize that diligence is nothing more than keeping what you want in mind. Strategize with a wise old one. And do something especially nice this Moontime for your skin, bones or knees.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Disseminating Moon

Disseminating: This is a tremendous time of transmutation. All of the prior elements are coming together for a final burst of creative output. You have seen a clear view of your own needs and the posture of significant others. Now the accumulation of that input is leading ...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Full Moon

Full Moon: A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest ...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

America's Forgotten Responsibility to the 7th Generation


As time progresses, I am realizing that there is so much wisdom lacking in our society. 

Reading this article, America's Forgotten Responsibility - the 7th generation-Native American Elders Prophecies, 

 is a clear example of what America lost when we failed to honor and respect Native Culture and Wisdom.
Did you know about this?
In reading this article I can’t help but wonder how different life would be if we live our lives consciously being responsible to the 7th generation

Would we make the same decisions we make now?

Would we continue to make decisions based on fear?

Would a deeper understanding and respect for live been created?

Do you live consciously being responsible to the 7th generation?

Please share, we need to learn from each other.

Peace and Blessings.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

We Define Liberty Differently

We define Liberty differently.

The founding of this nation is violent, treacherous, and oppressive for the people who lived on this land for thousands of years, the African people enslaved to build this nation and its economy from the literal ground up.

The fact there is no respect shown to people who sacrificed to build this nation is tearing this country apart.

You cannot legislate how people feel.

This is the next level of the problem of race this nation faces – how do we really feel about each other.

It is clear that there is a significant constituency in this nation that benefited economically, socially and politically from the Political, Social, and Economic Institution of Slavery.  This Institution was supported by all three branches of this government – Executive, Judicial and Legislative sanctioned slavery.  Businesses were created to support the needs of this Institution.  Many companies exist to this day founded during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  

The consequences African families separated forever.

That had to be painful for our Ancestors to be forcibly removed from your home, your loved ones and your life.   The pain of being forced to give up your culture and not pass it down to your children.  That in order to survive you had to give up completely who you are as a human being takes strength to endure for generations.

Was that pain ever healed in our communities?  No and we suffer globally en masse.  All people were complicit in the treachery of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.   Those who dominated the trade economically – controlled it politically and socially.

Greed was the motivating factor, wealth, power and control.  Some say the Civil War never ended, and the Civil War was a complex war.  A new economic plan was developed over time to not be based on slavery but the oppression of the newly freed Africans remained.  A severe level of control had to be maintained regardless of the name.

Now there are Africans that benefited from this system.  There are still Africans that benefit from this system.    They are the few not the many.
Our Ancestors have information for us to guide us through this current existence with the social, economic and political battles being waged.

The founding of this nation did not include most people benefiting economically, socially or politically.  Coming from monarchies the principle issue of control remained packaged in an ancient form of governance Democracy. 

The essence of Democracy was taken from Native American and African people’s way of living.  European people’s way of living was in a dictatorship, monarchy and lacked responsibility for the masses.  The masses were there to serve the royalty and wealthy. 

A system designed to benefit a few.  Resources on the European continent had been depleted, new resources were required.

A system designed to benefit the many versus a system designed to benefit the few.

What kind of America do you want to live in? 

Wisdom is missing we chased the glitter and ignored the real goal.  Wisdom is missing. In times like these we need Wise Leaders and Wise followers.  

Leaders are only as strong as their followers. If the people are weak the leaders cannot be strong.  When leaders are cold and fearful they make decisions to benefit only a few. 

We are living in very dangerous times people are paranoid, fearful, and terrified.  The theology of lack is being rammed down people’s throats of all cultures.

It does take individual responsibility. We ALL must seek wisdom. 

What Do Our Ancestors Know That We Do Not Know?

When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him. ~Ashanti Proverb
Photography by Eric Lafforgue –

What do our Ancestor’s know that we don’t know?

This question is on my mind tonight. 

Through the generations, have we lost important information that they knew that would help us move forward now?

Do we know how to transcend our current difficulties?

Do you?

What do our Ancestors know that we need to know?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Winds of Change

At the first the winds of change were mild and then the force of the winds picked up speed and intensity in August bringing in so much that is new.

Now I am in the midst of a journey of unveiling of self, environment and Spirit.

I give thanks and Honor for the Ancestors, Deities and Orisha as They provide guidance and confirmations along the way.  I am amazed and in awe and choosing joy as I travel along this journey into the Unknown.
Give thanks for the patience my Ancestors, Deities and Orisha give me daily.

Give thanks for the tests along the way.

Give thanks for Life.

Give thanks for the Blessings.

Give thanks for the Unknown Blessings.

Ashe’, Ashe’, Ashe’-O

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon |

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon |

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon

(waning 135-90 degrees)

This is a tremendous time of transmutation. All of the prior elements are coming together for a final burst of creative output. You have seen a clear view of your own needs and the posture of significant others. Now the accumulation of that input is leading to a deep, core change within you. In this phase, you will naturally be inclined to seek higher guidance so that you can emerge from this transformation successfully. This Moon Phase favors sharing what you have learned (and are learning) with others.

Letter of the year World Ifa new year odu 2012

The Orunmila Barami Agbonmiregun, the World Ifa Festival was held Saturday June 2-3, 2012 at Oketase the World Ifa Temple, Ile-Ife. This festival celebrates the New Year for all the traditional Yoruba practitioners.
Orunmila AGBONNIREGUN ANNUAL FESTIVAL 2012/2013  On Saturday/Sunday June 2/3

Muppet Show. Harry Belafonte - Turn the World Around (ep314)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius: It's party time whenever there's a Full Moon in Aquarius, and...

It's party time whenever there's a Full Moon in Aquarius, and the fun-loving Full Moon on August 1, 2012 is no exception.
Full Moons signal an increase in activity and energy, and Aquarius is one of the most friendly and agreeable zodiac signs. Together, this amounts to a busy time full of social engagements and stimulating conversation.
Even better, the Aquarius Full Moon's opposition to the loving Leo Sun will put us in a joyful mood, and Jupiter is upping the happy-ante with pleasant aspects to the Sun and the Moon.
Our curiosity will peak during this Full Moon, too, because Mars in Libra trines the Moon and makes us even more eager for new people and new experiences. This aspect takes a Full Moon that's already about socializing and kicks it up another notch, which is why we say it's time to break out the party hats!
If there's anything to watch out for with this mostly wonderful Full Moon in Aquarius, it's spreading yourself too thin or getting carried away with too much ungrounded enthusiasm.
You know how it is when you're having so much fun you forget to pay attention to important details? Then someone gets hurt or something gets broken? We don't want that.
That's what could happen with this super-social Full Moon in Aquarius, so try to enjoy this playful time, but do a mental check-in every once in a while to make sure you're not overdoing things or accidentally slighting someone while you're in party mode. 


·        Could it be that the children committing violence against our community have no connection to our community?
·        What causes a child to grow to have no connection to their home land?
·        Who is responsible for the environment a child lives in?
·        Why is justification given for poverty for many and wealth for some?
·        What happens to child when they live in a reality that their life is worthless?

We are lost.
  Our children are lost.

We need to find our roots; our Ancestors are calling us to reconnect.  We have been running away from ourselves long enough.

We must see the strength of our Ancestors who endured the torture and terrorism of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the powerful economies that developed from it.  

Culture we must learn our culture. 

We must learn a new way of living.

Time for a new paradigm!
The Rebirth of our Ancestors!
What we are doing now isn’t working.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Moon Phases: Gibbous Moon |

Moon Phases: Gibbous Moon |

Moon Phases: Gibbous Moon

(waxing 135-180 degrees)

Distractions from the outside begin pressing into your world. Analysis is favored, reevaluating all the various factors you are dealing with. It’s a time to process information and effectively integrate your aims with the people in your immediate environment. This is a good time for organizing things. This Moon Phase is suited to synthesis: coming up with a practical plan for getting from point A to point B. Adjustment is required.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Does Spiritual Leadership Mean to You?

What is Service?

People are suffering and they need active leadership spiritually.

People need to be:
·       Taught how to love:
·       Taught how to communicate.
·       Taught how to give.
·       Taught how to receive.
·       Taught how to Live.

People don’t need to worship.
Time for people to Live in Respect for the Divine!

Big Difference!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

David Suzuki on Rio 20, "Green Economy" & Why Planet's Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model

David Suzuki on Rio 20, "Green Economy" & Why Planet's Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model

David Suzuki on Rio+20, "Green Economy" & Why Planet’s Survival Requires Undoing Its Economic Model

Moon Phases: Last Quarter Moon |

Moon Phases: Last Quarter Moon |

Last Quarter Moon Phase

(waning 90-45 degrees)

The time of reaping is at hand. There is a feeling of completion infused into the atmosphere during this Moon Phase. The opportunity opens to recognize how far you’ve come in various parts of your life. This is not a good time for new beginnings, but rather a reflective period suited to evaluating how you have been using your time and what has been accomplished. Issues of authority may arise. This Moon Phase supports taking responsibility for actively "tying up the loose ends" of projects that are already underway.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon |

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon |

Moon Phases: Disseminating Moon

(waning 135-90 degrees)

This is a tremendous time of transmutation. All of the prior elements are coming together for a final burst of creative output. You have seen a clear view of your own needs and the posture of significant others. Now the accumulation of that input is leading to a deep, core change within you. In this phase, you will naturally be inclined to seek higher guidance so that you can emerge from this transformation successfully. This Moon Phase favors sharing what you have learned (and are learning) with others.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Scandal at the Zoo by

Ota Benga, a Congolese pygmy, posed at the Bronx Zoo in 1906

Published: August 6, 2006

Dr. John Henrik Clarke Christopher Columbus And The African Holocaust

Our Ancestor gave us the guidance with the truth.  Our Scholar shares so much wisdom. 

Listen Carefully.  

It is a valid story of history.  

It happened, It is What It is.

We have to face the truth for ourselves.